web: http://www.igorcalzada.com
twitter: @icalzada
PostDoctoral Research Fellow at COMPAS & InSIS, University of Oxford (UK), Programme for the Future of Cities since 2012. In addition to this, he holds a PostDoctoral Research Fellow position at the Basque Foundation for Science, Ikerbasque and he is currently Lecturer & Research Fellow at the University of Mondragon Unibertsitatea a part of the Mondragon Co-operative Corporation Group based in the Basque Country.
He got his PhD at the University of Mondragon (Spain). He was the Scientific Director of Future City-Regions/Euskal Hiria 2012 Congress organized by the Basque Government (http://www.basquecity.org & http://www.euskalhiria.org).
His research interests are: City-Regions & Territorial Strategies | Governance, Territorial Prospective & Strategic Planning | Urban Innovation and Resilience, Climate Change and PostGrowth Transition | Social Capital/Innovation/Entrepreneurship | Local Governance, Citizen Participation & Communitarian Development | Smart Cities? Urban Technologies, Networks & Citizenship | Sovereignity & Identity.
Nowadays, he is working on his PostDoctoral Research project entitled «Future of City-Regions & Comparative Territorial Connection«, which is a comparative framework for territorial/regional strategies in order to implement urban transformability and resilience postcrisis socially innovative scalable solutions.
The Framework (one of the key outputs of his doctoral research) consists of 5-Systems and it is based on their integration: URBS, CYBER, CIVITAS, POLIS & DEMOS. This also follows the completion of his book and PhD, a case study of the spatial and political configuration of the Basque Country into a City-Region.
He draws on theories of territoriality and network-formation to offer a comparative analysis of the Basque Country, Dublin and Portland. Currently he is carrying out ethnographic fieldword in Oresund, Iceland, Manchester/Liverpool, Scotland, Catalunya & Basque Country.